Thursday, July 5, 2007

WDC - Update

FP80 portfolio play WDC is trading up nicely again. Next buy point for adding the second 1/2 of my position will be on the move above $21.80.

Once it trades above $21.80 I will be full loaded in my swing trade slot for WDC


Anonymous said...

Hello Chuck

I really like your work and site. Only thing is that design wise, its a hazzle when one updates its a few times a day as one cannot immediately see if there is new content given the long introductory text.

Thanks for sharing your insights and educating us.

Best regards from Munich,

Fp80 said...

Hello Daniel,

Thank you for the nice comments. I am working on improvements for the site. I am seeking software/service that will send out an alert once I post something. The service will let users enter their cell phone number for example to receive a text message on their cell phone if I post something new. This is one idea I am working on. Let me know any suggestions you have for how you would best want to be notified of a new post on the site.
I am also considering lowering the amount of posts displayed on a single page. Currently it is set to every 31 days the web site will start a clean page. But because of the number and size of the posts it takes a long time to load the web site. I am considering changing this to every 2 weeks. This way the site will load faster and everyone will still have access to the previous pages by clicking on archives.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chuck,

A good way to keep updated is simply an automatic reload of the page say every 20 minutes. I keep the sites I like open all day and often just quickly flip through them. That is why I suggested to have the newest posting always quite far up on the page so there is no need to scroll down. Personally I wouldnt use cell phone service (anyways I am in Germany and that might get costly). Thanks again for sharing your great work!


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