Friday, July 6, 2007

AXR profile

A loyal rebeltrader member has brought up AXR. This stock has been on the watch list for some time now. I will do a profile on AXR over the weekend detailing the company history, what drove the price down starting back in January 2007, their financial situation, and what I'm waiting to see happen before I have confidence that AXR is ready to begin it's recovery.

I thank the many members of rebel traders for their ideas and wonderful compliments. The future for the rebeltraders web site will have new features for real time chat, member section for exchanging and posting your own ideas for consideration, and general 'market talk' among the rebel's! Also in the works is a live portfolio tracking system that will constantly show the rebeltrader portfolio gains, draw down, average trade hold time, and the projected annualized rate of return based on the actual history. Full transparency will be the concept of the live portfolio tracker.

Thank you again Rebels! We rock!


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