Thursday, July 5, 2007

A possible speculative play in WWAT

I don't usually follow the Over the Counter (OTC) markets all that closely but once in a while something will direct me to take a closer look at a stock on the OTC. (OTC is not to be confused with pink sheets, OTC stocks are typically low priced securities that do follow SEC guidelines and are reporting companies. In some cases stocks that begin on the OTC make it to the big boards).

I found a news item on WWAT that makes this worth a look. Today it is being reported that 10% owner "Quercus Trust" has bought 2.26 mln shares for $1.64 recently. Normally when you see a large insider purchase that is something to take notice to. WWAT is a small company that is engaged in the business of providing water and power solutions using solar electric technology. With the news of the large insider purchase then it deserves some attention. I will provide a chart analysis of WWAT in the near future. In early market trading there is activity already in WWAT. This news may provide an opportunity for longer term holders to sell out on the news. It may also bring more new buyers than sellers in which case the price will close higher today. But what I would do is buy a very small piece of WWAT here now. Using one of your 10 slots for a swing trade use 1/3 to establish a position now. If the price gets above $1.90 then don't buy. we will wait for a pullback. IF the price drops today then that is OK, still take a 1/3 position in WWAT. Then we will wait for the trading action and the charts to tell us when and where will will build on the position. But only use 1/3 of a swing trade slot to establish a position. This is a speculative play. We really should only have no more than one speculative play in our portfolio at a time.


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