Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Apple squeeze turns into Apple juice

Watching the trading action going on it is obvious what is happening. The run up this morning was started by some large buys. The price started running up and then shorts started to cover. All of the market knew the price of Apple shares were going to pullback due to the hype having been priced into the stock. In the run up to the iPhone release the shorts were piling up in anticipation of the expected "sell the news" scenario. But someone outsmarted the shorts today. Someone with deep pockets knew as we all figured out that there were a high number of shorts that had piled onto Apple lately expecting the stock to sell off once the hype was over (and it still will). But the smart deep pocket person(s) today started buying up Apple out of the gate and sending the price up so that the shorts would cover. So we have a short squeeze here in the last couple hours. Now for the person(s) with the deep pockets that started the buying pressure earlier they will cash out when the Apple squeeze has resulted in the last drop of Apple juice to be squeezed out.

I would not be surprised to see some very large block trades just before the bell as some will cash in on this short squeeze (possibly even the deep pocket people that kicked this off). When the price got up to $127.00 there was a war going on. Apple will still pullback. And after this short squeeze I expect it may be a rather hard pullback when it does happen. Still bearish on Apple short term. bullish long term.


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