Thursday, July 5, 2007

Quote of the Day

"Winning isn't everything, but wanting to is".

... Arnold Palmer, US Golfer
The moral of this quote is that winning all of the time is not important. But having the desire to win is. One must have the ambition and the desire to win in order to win anything at all. You must have a passion to succeed, a desire to take control of ones wealth, destiny, and goals. A desire and a drive to achieve something you have not done yet.
Who are you competing against? .... yourself, that's who.
In stocks we only have to win more than we lose in order to make our investments grow many fold. If you give up on yourself and your abilities then you have lost the game in all levels of competition. Everyone has more abilities than they ever realize. They just have to want to use them and have the desire to exercise them to grow.


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