Thursday, July 5, 2007

Market update

Market volatility (VIX) is increasing this morning and has us once again in a bearish stance. Up and down, up and down, and up and down we go within this trading range. This see saw action is getting tiring.

At 10 am US east coast time the E.I.A. energy statistics were released and they were bearish for the energy sector. Oil fell back some and some of the energy sector stocks are taking some punishment this morning.

AMX is doing super here and is soaring on good volume. Were up almost 5% from my original buy point just a few days ago.

AKS is consolidating around the original buy point. Still bullish on this metal sector play.

BIG has pulled back but still remains above the original buy point of $29.20. Some consolidation taking place but still seeing some large uptick trades going through so other people are also playing BIG for a move up soon.

WDC posting gains this morning and holding up well in the market volatility so far.


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