Sunday, July 8, 2007

RebelTraders Portfolio Performace

The Rebel Traders portfolio began with the first trade on May 24th, 2007

Each trade represents 10% of the overall Rebeltrader capital account.

Risk management is to limit losses on any one position to no more than 4% (8% worst case). A loss of 4% on any one trade equals a loss of 0.6% against the total capital. This is how to successfully win in the markets. You never throw all your money into one trade. For if you did that then a 4% loss on that one trade would be 4% loss on your entire capital! By dividing up your capital into slices you reduce the risk to your capital. See my previous post on portfolio management here.

RebelTrader portfolio trades to date (some stock symbols include multiple plays, i.e.. purchased once then sold, then bought again at a later date and sold again)

The breakdown:

  • ARRS 7.1% gain (closed)
  • B 6.4% gain (closed)
  • ARD 5.7% gain (closed) (multiple buy/sells)
  • BIG 3.6% gain (open) average share purchase price=$29.91
  • RGR 3.6% gain (closed)
  • WDC 3.6% gain (open)
  • AKS 3.1% gain (open) (multiple buy/sells)
  • AMX 3.0% gain (open) average share purchase price= $64.22
  • GRP 2.2% gain (open)
  • ALGN 0.6% gain (closed)
  • CPO -0.2% loss (closed)
  • IMMU -4.0% loss (closed)
  • HGRD -4.1% loss (closed)
  • WWAT -4.4% loss (closed)
  • MTRX -6.0%loss (closed)
  • CMGI -6.3%loss (closed)
As of Market close July 6th, 2007 Rebel Trader win/loss ratio= 1.5:1

As of Market close July 6th, 2007 Rebel Trader compounded annualized performance based on trades to date and length of time each trade held= +98.3%


Anonymous said...


i like your work, but it might be a little pre-mature to highlight the 98%.3%?

anyways, i wish you/ us all the very best going forward.


Anonymous said...

you forgot GRP under your open trades,


Fp80 said...

You are correct Daniel.. I did forget to put GRP in the list. I went back and put that in.

On the 98% compounded annualized gain based on days held & gains/losses to date that is what the number comes to.

It will become increasingly accurate as more trades are executed. But for now I wanted to provide what the current statistics show.

There will be more data provided on the RebelTrader portfolio soon in the form of real time statistics showing maximum drawdown, average gain, average days held, Sharpe Ratio, win/loss ratio, and annualized gain calculations. It is my goal to have a fully transparent portfolio for all to see.

dankir said...

Great. Love your work, as said! You might have heard of sites like or where its very easy for your users to follow your trades.

Have a great Sunday

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