Friday, July 13, 2007

A good day...

The market was a bit tempered today but I feel that was due mostly to the surge in oil prices today. In spite of that the market still registered more gains and the Rebeltrader portfolio has done well today.

This morning I posted a chart for PDGI. I posted the chart because it had a good technical setup and I also felt it could "go any minute" so I wanted to get it out to my readers in case it reached the buy point today. And it did. Late in the day I entered PDGI.

Also late today I took an entry on BVF. I mentioned last night that BVF was nearing the buy point and today it hit.

In the afternoon CNBC's Jim Cramer plugged my GRP pick and he called it the best oil play right now.

A full recount of the day when I post later tonight. Overall a good day for the portfolio.


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