Thursday, July 12, 2007

Current Rebeltrader portfolio status

As of the market close, July 12th, 2007 the current open trades:

WDC 4.4% gain (open)
AKS 3.8% gain (open, average cost $38.58)
ONT 3.3% gain (open, average cost $2.77)
BIG 2.9% gain (open, average cost $29.91)
GRP 2.2% gain (open)
ALGN 1.2% gain (open, average cost $25.29, multiple trades)
NTGR -0.9% loss (open, average cost $38.79
WWAT -2.2% loss (open, multiple trades)

JDSA -5.3% loss (closed today)

Multiple trades means this is the second time a trade is being attempted on that stock. The gain/loss calculation takes into account the gain or loss from both trades!). Gains/losses are calculated on the average cost where the stock play has been to scale into the trade.

Money management stems losses and keeps the winning trades in play. You do NOT have to win every trade. That is not possible by anyone. All one has to do is win more than you lose over the year and your ahead. After each trade is completed you put that cash right back into your capital for use in the swing trade methodology, increasing your buying power as time goes on. Remember, take your trading capital you set aside for swing trades and divide it up into 10 parts. And each part is what you use for one swing trade,one stock. So no more than 10 stocks will be owned at any one time.

Where you read that I scale into a trade with a 1/3 or a 1/2 that means I have taken that one 10% part and cut it into more parts. This way I enter into the trade a little at a time until the whole 10% part is loaded into the one stock. This is done to protect capital. The more the trade works the more you add until it is loaded. The scaling into a stock is even more important in times of extreme market volatility where it can change direction in a flash. Under normal conditions entering a trade is usually in 1/2's and in some cases (depending on the situation at the time) will enter the trade with the entire 10% part all at once.

For the new members of the site please read this earlier post. Click me!

If you are new to the concept of swing trading please, I encourage you strongly to start out by paper trading and reading some books on swing trading. Never put all of your money into one trade, ever! That is financial suicide. Practice how to manage your capital and it's 10 pieces for swing trading. Get a feel for how swing trading works and the concept of compounding your gains into the next trades.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

hi chuck

i am tracking your trades in a yahoo portfoli,. just so i keep comfortable before jumping on board. they have been doing well and now i am already regretting not following my gut immediately.

anyways, dont you also have a position in AMX 63.9, and could you post your avg entry for GRP, WDC, NTGR and WWAT as well?

thank you and good trading


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