Monday, July 9, 2007

Market Update

Broad market is still "sluggish". Keep in mind that the DOW is coming close to resistance again. see the DOW chart in the public charts list:

Today kicks off the earnings period. If we can get some big names to report better than expected numbers this may give us the extra boost we need to climb above our trading range and get the markets moving again.

JSDA is above $17.00 but I am not going to do anything with it until I see it "close" above that point.

I like Netgear (NTGR) and may take a 1/3 position on the move above today's resistance which is $38.56. If it moves up beyond that point I will scale in with a 1/3. I'm being a little extra cautious only because the broad markets seem to be undecided here. And the fact that we are getting close to resistance again on the indices.


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