Friday, July 13, 2007

Portfolio Question


Thank you for your compliment on the trades. To answer your questions:


  • Entered on 7/3/07 @ $63.31 (1/2 position)

  • Added remaining 1/2 @ $65.16 on 7/5/07

  • On 7/9/07 the Mexican Government announced they wanted to crack down on large companies which they felt held a monopoly on the business. AMX was one of those companies named. Because I did not know what the reaction would be I raised the stop loss point to $63.90 (I did this because I wanted to protect the capatial put on this trade in the event there was any big selling on the news. There was and by the end of the day my stop out point was hit and the trade was closed. AMX has since recovered well but one can not predict the future of what the news impact would be so discipline always comes first over hope. I did not want to hope the stock would revover and instead stood by the discipline of protecting the capital.) Recall the chart I posted on AMX when the news was announced by the Mexican Government

  • Entered on 7/6/07 @ $55.54 (1/2 position)

  • The second buy point (on the move to new 52wk high) not reached yet. So the average cost on GRP remains at $55.54

  • Entered on 7/3/07 @ $20.37 (1/2 position)

  • Second buy point not reached yet (see chart)


  • Entered on 7/9/07 @ $ 38.61 (1/3 position)

  • Added additional 1/3 on 7/11/07 @ $ 38.97

  • Average cost is currently $ 38.79


  • Entered on 7/12/07 @ $1.83 (1/3 position)

  • Average cost is currenly $1.83


Anonymous said...

thanks a lot chuck for this update!!!


Fp80 said...

Your very welcome Daniel.

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