Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Rebel Trader portfolio status

Today AKS is up nicely on the strong metals sector, NTGR is up on a breakout into new highs, ONT is accumulating here and is ticking up ever so slowly but looking good so far, BIG is still above the original buy point and is still collecting large buys going through the tape, GRP is also trading up and I am still bullish on the oil services sector, WDC is also holding on even after the big fall yesterday. The tech sector is doing fairly well considering the overall bearish worries of the markets right now.

Only holding not doing well this morning is JSDA. Down 3.7% on what I can assume is a lack of confidence in the company from comments the CEO made on CNBC last night. I was prepared to sell early and not wait for the stop loss point if I saw any panic selling on JSDA. It is down but I don't see any panic, and it is holding above the stop loss point through the morning. So I am giving it a chance.


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