Friday, August 17, 2007

Profit takers are doing their thing

On the quick pop this morning the profit takers have stepped in. Market will hover here for a bit before it makes its next move.


Unknown said...

Fp80 said...

Seeblog.. I mentioned this last night that some very respected individuals (respected by me at least) are not jumping up and down. I wrote last night about Dennis Gartman, he said that he continued to be a seller on strength. He echoes what was already being seen in the markets. And is why I am being conservative. If you did not read my post from last night go back and take a look. I spent 2 1/2 hours working on it... I hope someone read it... :) LOL

Unknown said...

i did dude ... time well spent ... :)

now check this out >> Cramer aiming for 14500 (DJIA) by this year end .>>>>

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