Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My Shorts are still down !

And I'm told everything looks great! LOL

Ok.. a little humor to lighten the day. UAUA short is looking good. Right here it is at some resistance around 39.00/39.10.

The reason I took only half entry was because of this crazy up and down market. It is like the weather, come back in an hour and it will change. If UAUA drops below $38.25 I will add another 1/2 to my short on UAUA. I will be prepared to close the short if there is a "powerful" upward rally and everything rises very fast. Now that the trade is working out I'm going to lower the stop loss (to protect our capital) to $40.35 (want to play it safe in this market).

1 Comment:

Lisa said...

Good calls. I closed everything out. I'll not be greedy today. Never know what tomorrow brings, but I'm pretty sure short positions will be OK for a bit :) Hope everyone had a great day!

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