Monday, August 13, 2007

Breaking News

You don't see this very often. Goldman Sachs has just been downgraded to a "sell" by Ziegel Analyst & Co.

A sell rating is not a rating you see very often. (remember my views of analysts, they will always say to buy no matter how bad things are). But a sell rating on big name Goldman Sachs is now bringing the other big brokerages down. Who would have thought we would ever see a "sell" rating on 'ol Goldman Sachs..

1 Comment:

Lisa said...

JP Morgan was upgraded today. Interesting, as their risk of loss is pretty big with OTC derivative exposure. JMO! Same with Citibank, American Ex, check these guys out. Analysts are trying to pretend there are "safe" financial institutions right now. Maybe there is one, I'll keep looking (not being sarcastic). BB&T is a possible.
Good trading all!

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