Friday, August 17, 2007

I'm sticking with the UYG only at this time

I'm being more conservative then you may want me to be. If you take a trade on anything today use caution. There are many who want to sell the news out there. I'm not going to hang out at the pool party too long.


Lisa said...

Some wicked selling into that "strength". Wow. Couldn't join the pool party, I burn easy! lol Hope everyone listened to Chuck. He's sure saving some money for people. Major kudos!

Unknown said...

me 2 . couldn't get filled on DDM that i was tracking for a while ...

so i let it slip. good thing i did that. I better be a spectator in this roller coaster market than burn ...

i have DXD for the long term as i believe the market is gonna go down atleast until FOMC's next meeting ...

good luck guys..

Fp80 said...

seeblog.. that is why I cut back on my plans this morning based on how the premarket battle was going. It was too eratic.

Some will jump up and down and say everything is all perfect now. Not me, I'll continue to play it safe.

Unknown said...

i hear u bro ...

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