Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Holding my shorts open

The UAUA and CAT shorts worked beautifully. The charts told us to go short and they do not lie.

I am holding my shorts overnight. If you on the other hand want to take your profits here I would understand. I will hold mine and see what the morning brings. If there is any sign of a pop tomorrow in the morning then I will pull up my shorts and cover my behind.

The ultra short on the Russell MidCap is also doing well. I will hold that overnight also.

Some good profits for the Rebeltrader portfolio today.

P.s.: please remember to vote for my charts on , and vote once every day .. Many thanks!!



Unknown said...

good for u ....

nice call dude ... keep rolling out good trades ....

Anonymous said...

your short trades on CAT and UAUA were perfect. good eye.

Anonymous said...

I was looking at the WIND chart during trading. It looked like resistance was around $10.00 instead of the $9.60 you charted. Toward the end of trading there was a sell off and it closed around $9.70. Is this still going to be a good short trade for tomorrow below the $9.60 price?

Second the UAUA trade has me up by 65 cents a share. I was unable to place my second half trade according to no short sale available. I am looking till tomorrow to see if the sell off continues so as so accumlate the second half of the trade around $38.20



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