Sunday, August 5, 2007

The RebelTraders Newsletter has Arrived !

I am pleased to present the weekly RebelTraders Swing Trading Newsletter. Each Sunday evening a new newsletter will be released. Each newsletter contains a summary of the week that just ended along with my views of the upcoming week. Each news letter contains charts for the major indices, sector performance charts, and swing trade ideas along with the charts.

Each swing trade chart is also on my public charts list at

The newsletter can be downloaded by clicking here.

There will also be a link for the newsletter on the right hand side of the web site under the heading "NewsLetters"

I hope all will enjoy the new service of RebelTraders !

p.s. - please vote for my charts on the web site! Just scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the button for "vote"


Anonymous said...

Excellent work Chuck!

I love the newsletter !

Anonymous said...

great stuff!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I very much enjoy reading your blog site. Very good information and written so that even I can understand it.. LOL

How much will your service cost when you make the move to a subscription service?

Keep up the good work,
Best wishes,

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