Thursday, August 9, 2007

A long day..

Normally I would have posted my nightly summary but I did not get home tonight until very late. I will post my summary in the morning.

I will say however that this was a very wild trading day. Everything was going along just great until about 2:30 when some mixed messages came out of the Government almost simultaneously about the housing / credit situation. That sent fear right back into the markets again and we had a very fast sell off that erased all of the gains the day had obtained in just a short period of time.

Then a quick bounce near the end of the day took us back into the green again. It was indeed one of the strangest trading days I have witnessed in some time.

The RebelTrader swing trades that are currently open did well today in spite of the wild day. This weekend you will be able to download a spreadsheet showing all of the swing trades (closed and current). And that spreadsheet will be updated nightly thereafter.

See you all in the morning. Have a great night.



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