Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I'm loving this action..

So far looks healthy. Always going to be that fear of a sell off waiting around the corner. But for now anyway this action looks healthy. What a relief to have something healthy happen in the market for once. Seems like ages since we had a healthy day in the markets.

But don't put away your bear repellent just yet. We keep our guard up at all times. But nice to see a good advance. Hope it holds into the end of the day. Still concerned that there are many sitting on the sidelines watching the action and will pounce on it to get out of certain equities, especially brokers, banks, and other financial stocks.

Today those sectors had a large squeeze and made big moves. Could be something many are waiting for to happen and will take it at the top and sell it to Sunday and back. But the rest of the market looks good. I'm looking forward to doing a sector analysis tonight.


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