Monday, July 23, 2007

Market Update

At lunch time the markets were in good shape. Even the financial sector was showing some signs of life!

The sectors doing poorly are housing, and Oil services/suppliers due to the drop in crude oil price today. Coal and Natural gas also down today.

Most of the other sectors are in the green at this time.

The big movers today in the Rebeltrader swing trades is WWAT, WDC, NHWK.

FEEC is pulling back on low volume so I have no worries about that. Does not need to jump up overnight (even though we would like all our plays to do that :)

I am patiently giving BIG some room to make a move. However if there is no significant movement by the middle of the week I will close the trade. Too many other moving stocks to play to just let this one sit and collect dust while it waits for the market to stop bouncing it around.

The Rebeltrader portfolio is making a nice gain today so far.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Again congrats for your work. Am waiting for the next round of trades as I didnt jump on boards on these first ones as I wanted to get to know your style better.


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