Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Apple - lowers forward guidance!

Tells of only 270K iPhones sold. And lowers earnings guidance for Q4

Will be interesting when trading resumes ..

It defies logic.. they guide significantly lower for Q4 but they trade higher.. Have I landed on Mars or what here??


Lisa said...

Apple trading AH $2-3 from the 52wk high. But it's up about 10% for today and everyone's going crazy. They have decent growth but upwards of $150 a share? Only in today's market! lol

Anonymous said...

Someone once told me that you can trade on BAD NEWS, GOOD REACTION, or GOOD NEWS, BAD REACTION, or, GOOD NEWS, GOOD REACTION, or BAD NEWS, BAD REACTION! Doesn't make sense does it. It means ot me that there are a lot of different trading ideas but I would only trade the trend and of course plan my trade and trade my plan.


Lisa said...

Personally, I have to wait for consolidation before I can grab a few shares of this company. I have no doubt we will continue to see great things from them. You're right, Michael, many ways to trade.

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