Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Roller Coaster

Just as I said in my market report last night trying to swing trade in these markets conditions will be like riding a roller coaster without wearing a seat belt. Imagine yourself sitting in a roller coaster and not having a safety harness to keep you in. That is why I am not being aggressive with swing trades. I only took one (1/2 position) earlier today to grab a good entry price on Intel (INTC). But you may have been watching your screens showing big gains this morning and wondering why I have not been getting in there and making trades. What you are seeing now is why.

From experience and from the charts this was bound to happen. We are not out of the woods and trading in this turbulence is very risky. Good trades will be coming. Once the market decides which way she is going.

Just hang on to your cash. No need to throw it into a blender which is all the markets are right now. Your money could end up getting shredded. Why am I not going aggressively on the short side of trades? Same reason as not being aggressive on the long side, big ups and big downs. This is just turmoil and difficult to swing trade from either side.


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