Monday, July 30, 2007

Market Update

The bounce after the lunch period held. In no way does this mean we are out of the woods. The charts will tell the story when I go over the sector and broad market indices tonight. At first glance we are still on the 1st floor (see my earlier comment).

In after market activity I'm seeing a bit of profit taking from today's bounce. Not heavy but still it is showing an unwillingness to leave profits sit over night on the part of some.

A full analysis if the market later tonight. The market is in a state of turmoil here. We must know the overall direction before getting too aggressive with new swing trades. Otherwise we are throwing money into a fire. I have some swing trade setups and I will post a few of them but we will play them with the utmost of caution if the market says to give it a try.

In after hours earnings reports coming in so far they are generally mixed. I don't see any market movers except for Sun Microsystems which had a decent number.

1 Comment:

Lisa said...

The AH trades kind of surprised me! Lots of numbers coming out in the morning, interesting to see what effect (if only psychological) they will have on market. Gotta dig up my helmet, think it's in the garage.

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