Monday, July 16, 2007

Pre-Market July 16th 2007

We have a very busy week coming up with respect to earnings from big companies. This week we will be seeing the earnings from such names as Coca-Cola (KO), Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), CSX Corp (CSX), Yahoo (YHOO), Abbott Labs (ABT), Altria (MO), E-bay (EBAY), Google (GOOG), IBM (IBM). This is just a sampling of what is coming this week. Everyday should provide some news that will have an affect on any particular sector.

The course of the markets this week will be led by what companies report when they release their earnings. All the large money managers are going to hang their hats on the financial health of the largest companies and will be particularly interested in the tech sector.

Of note this morning: Yesterday I posted a chart for NTRI in my public chart list. The buy point is on the move above $75.00. This morning Citigroup is saying they are positive on NTRI and find shares attractive at current levels, they have a price target of $96.00. If this Citigroup analyst news brings buyers to NTRI watch for the move above $75.00 to signal a buy.


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