Friday, July 20, 2007

Market Update

Not much to report here. Markets are generally down across the board. Computer hardware is one sector that is doing well as evidenced by my swing trade on Western Digital (WDC). Today it is up over 7%. That brings the gains of WDC up to about 15% so far.

FEEC is slowly moving up and as this attracts attention and buyers take a piece here and there I see this as being a good swing trade over the coming weeks.

WWAT is getting new buyers today and is working it's way back up. Remember, I still have 1/2 of my position in WWAT and will essentially just let them ride the stock. When the stock seems to be done then I will take the gains on the remainder of the WWAT shares.

NHWK, the swing trade I opened yesterday is also doing well today. I was expecting at least a small pullback after yesterdays huge gain, but so far no one is selling. Good for us! That just makes the gains run up even faster for the RebelTrader swing trade.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Found your blog a little over a week ago and really appreciate your trading advice. Would like to say that I bought WDC below $19.00 and will probably do as you suggest and get out of it before the 26th when earning are announce. Wish I had bought NHWK at your first price suggestion but I am going to look for the entry on Monday.

Hope that you will prove us with more education. By the way I work for NOAA and we track the National weather satellites at a facility on the Virginia Eastern Shore. Trading and photography are sidelines and hobbies for me. Thanks! Michael

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