Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Place your bets..

Well not really, but that is what the market is going to do today. There is no clear direction here. So any money put into the market this morning is a bet. No different than putting money down on the roulette wheel in Vegas.
It won't be until after a few spins of the wheels will more money either be put in or taken out. There may be some bears hiding under the wheel controlling it. The brave souls placing the initial bets will be the lab rats for the rest of the investing community. They will be looking over the shoulders of those placing the bets to see what kinds of odds the table is paying. If they like what they see then we will have some more players as the day goes on. But be warned.. we can see another running for the doors again if anything spooks the players.
We are still in a "trend-less" period in the market as it is deciding what it will do. I still have some charts I like and I want to play them. But only when the time is right. And as of this moment the time is not right... yet


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