Monday, June 25, 2007

Monday Update

So far today we have seen some wild swings in the market. On the $INDU DOW index there is some weak resistance at 13500 and so far today the DOW has hit that point to only be pushed back down. The market is stumbling a bit on trying to recover.

Still watching Big Lots (BIG) for an entry when the time is right. There is a healthy amount of volume churning on this stock right now but the price needs to move up before we get in this one. There has to be some confirmation that the sellers have had enough of chewing on this and will let the bulls get their turn at it. There are some signs that this is happening, but not good enough for me yet to say were buying.

So far today the sectors that are lagging are energy, oil, coal, natural gas, gold, tech, and silver.

Sectors carrying to torch today so far are telecommunications, tobacco, utilities, restaurants, transports, drugs, banks, healthcare, and media.



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