Thursday, June 28, 2007

The day that was - June 28th

All morning the markets were quiet. Everybody was just standing around waiting for the FOMC statement. It was expected that they were going to leave the rates unchanged so there was really no anticipation over that matter. What everyone was waiting for was how they were going to word the statement.

It's interesting, the FOMC statement is gone over with a fine tooth comb looking for clues like it was something from Miami CSI! The analysts tear apart every word in order to determine what the FOMC members are really thinking. They are trying to read into the future. It is not good enough to simply take what the FOMC statement says on the surface, it has to be analyzed, x-ray'd, dissected, and scrutinized in every which way. In the end the general consensus is that the FOMC members feel the economy will continue to grow at a moderate pace over the next few quarters. And that inflation was generally in check but they did add this statement: "sustained moderation in inflation pressures has yet to be convincingly demonstrated". That gives them wiggle room for the future and that kept the market from turning completely bullish. The overall mood of the statement was good whereas the markets are concerned, but it was not a strong call to arm for the bulls.

The FOMC statement can be read here.

The reaction after the statement was as expected, about 15 minutes of whirlwind gale force winds as everybody scrambled as the analysts started dissecting the statement. In the end the market still finished "OK".. no bull rally, but no bear stampede either.

Tomorrow will be a real test as the statement will have set in overnight in all the market players and they will have been working on their playbooks for tomorrow. We will have to see what plays they have planned before we really know who wins this game.

But for us we will carry on as usual and let the market tell us what side to be on. Remember, in the markets we really don't care who we root for.. we just root for who ever will make us money! If it is a bull market then wave the bull flags... a bear market then we wave the bear flags.. pretty simple. Right now it is a tie ball game.

The DOW chart shown here from today shows we ended the day in a 'doji' (means indecision). We also hit a minor resistance level today. I anticipate another pullback in the broad markets coming up. Will it retest support and bounce like it did yesterday? Or will it fall through? My felling is that we will go back up.

Our current open position (BIG) is doing well and almost hit the second buy point today. Original buy price yesterday was $29.20. It closed today at $30.41. Stop loss for this trade is $28.20.

I will have some new chart setups and watch lists soon. Note that on the right side of the web site I have added a section where current open positions will be listed as well as watch list items when they are added in the future.



Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks again for the balanced updates! Cant however find section on site of open positions! Best, Daniel

Fp80 said...

Good morning Daniel,

Thank you for your compliment. The open positions list is on the right (green section) under the "about me" paragraph. The title of the new section is "Current FP80 Stocks in play".

Because there is only one open position at the moment it only shows BIG right now. In the near future the list will show current open positions as well as the watch list for future trades. And I'm also working on a way for the current ticker prices to show for each open position.

Anonymous said...
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