Monday, August 27, 2007

Pre Market - August 27th 2007

Good Morning Rebels,

Quiet morning (so far). The upcoming week will have much that the markets will be looking at for signs of where to go.

  • Monday - Existing home sales (10:00 am)
  • Tuesday - Consumer confidence (10:00 am), FOMC minutes (2:00 pm)
  • Wednesday - MBA Applications (7:00 am), crude inventories (10:30 am)
  • Thursday - GDP (8:30 am), Initial Claims (8:30 am), natural gas inventories (10:30 am)
  • Friday - Personal income & spending (8:30 am), Core PCE inflation (8:30 am), Chicago PMI (9:45 am), factory orders (10:00 am)

Also on Friday Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke will be speaking on the sub prime issue.


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