Sunday, June 17, 2007

Up and Running!


Sunday June 17th, 2007...

Rebel Traders has taken on a new approach to reach out to my followers and new members. This site will utilize a 'blog' (what your seeing here) for the Rebel Traders public site. In time there will be links for a "Members only" section. In there users of the members site will be able to post their own stock ideas, discuss with other members their observations on the markets, and stock setups that they wish to share with the other members. There will also be a live chat application which any member can talk real time with other members. All of the members only discussions, charts, and real time chat will be closed to the public.

On this public blog site I will continue to post my FP80 charts, ideas, observations, commentaries, tips and tid-bits.

But once the members only site is operational I will restrict some of my chart setups and commentaries to the members only section.

On the right side of this web site you will see a place to input your email address. Please enter your email address, this will do a couple of things. First, it will provide you a daily email summary of my entries on this site, and it will put your name on the list to be included in the members only section once operational. And those that sign up while the site is still being created will be "charter" members of the Rebel Traders site (even if it becomes a paid access down the road, you will be assured free access).

I welcome comments, suggestions, questions, etc. If you have a chart you want me to look over please email me and I'll consider making it a feature post with a chart analysis here on the site.

Also on the right side of this site you will see a list of links (currently only one, which is for my charts on Later the list of links will grow to include files available for download, links to the members only site, etc.

Fellow Stock trading Rebels... I look forward to us having a great portal to discuss the markets and charts. Let's go Rebels !


1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome !!!!

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