Friday, June 22, 2007

Keeping records of your trades is a key to success

One of the main features of this site is not only to help you find good trade ideas & chart setups but to also help teach the aspects of trading successfully.

One very important trait of the successful trader is to keep a journal of the trades they take. It is important to keep notes on why you enter a trade and why you exit a trade. Over time this information is key to learning from mistakes and to focus on what works well.

For example, if you examine all of your trades and you find that for some reason that trades you enter when the market opens perform worse for you as compared to trades you take near the market closing then that tells you that you need to avoid buying into new positions when the market first opens!

Keeping good notes on your trades is important. I have created a trading journal sheet for you to use. Feel free to download it and use it often! On the right hand side of the web page under the heading "Rebel Trader Links" click on trading journal. This will download a PDF file that you can print and use.

A link to the file is also provided here:


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