Monday, September 10, 2007

Pre Market - September 10th 2007

There is no significant news this morning. The futures have been drifting around. We are standing firm with our market assessment that selling on strength is taking place and will continue to do so.

Economic Data-

Monday, September 10th- 3pm: Consumer Credit...

Tuesday, September 11th- 8:30am: Trade Balance...

Wednesday, September 12th: Bank Reserve Settlement; 7am: MBA Mortgage Applications; 10:30am: EIA Petroleum Stats...

Thursday, September 13th- 8:30am: Initial Claims; 2pm: Treasury Budget...

Friday, September 14th: 8:30am: Current Account, Export Prices ex-ag, Import Prices ex-oil, Retail Sales; 9:15am: Industrial Production, Capacity Utilization; 10am: Business Inventories, Michigan Sentiment-prel...

Speakers- Monday- 7:30am: Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart will be speaking in Atlanta; 11am: San Francisco Fed President Janet Yellin will be speaking in San Francisco; 2pm: Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher will be speaking in San Antonio; 7:30pm: Federal Reserve Governor Frederic Mishkin will be speaking in New York... Tuesday: 11am: Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke will be speaking in Germany


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