Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Market Update

Pending home sales data was released. And the sales data fell for the fifth time in the last seven months; biggest drop since the index began tracking in 2001

The market took this data as a blow to the chin and made a quick drop.

This is why we were not telling you to buy swing trades yesterday! The downside risk was higher than the upside reward potential. And today that risk became a reality.

RebelTraders is much more than just telling you to buy this or that stock... we are all about helping you keep your money too!


Anonymous said...

Rebel's Rock! you guys and ladies do know what your doing, I listened to your guidance yesterday and sat on my hands, i bought nothing. And today I see why, your smart people, thank you for keeping me out of trouble!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. i look forward to reading your comments. I just wish there were more. I know this takes a lot of your time.

Anonymous said...

Trading in these times is like piloting a plane over Normandy in WW II. Zig/Zag\Zig/Zag\

Present and Accounted for :-)


Lisa said...

m_h: really glad to know this! Thank you.

Larry: Working hard to add more all the time. Thank you for your comments.

Dave: My military service was all during peace time, so thankfully the market is as dangerous a place as I'll ever be! lol Glad to have you with us here.

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