Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Day that Was & The Week that Was

A lot to cover, a lot of thoughts on what has happened and many charts to review and show to you. And it can't be done all tonight. Watch over the weekend for an in depth analysis of what the low volume may be pointing towards for us and how we play this.

Earlier I gave you positions to take if you wanted to go long on a market advance and if you took them (once they triggered at the recommended buy points) then you got some winners. I wanted to provide you some trade ideas if you wanted to jump into this market. So you got some gains on those trade ideas. I on the other hand have remained cautious and am not convinced yet by this market movement. There is something not right with this action that does not warrant me to go long at this time.

Sure there are some very quick plays out there that if you were lucky you made some money. But is this a healthy market that is ready for normal swing trading? Not by any means. We'll go over this on Sunday.

Until then have a wonderful weekend..


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